BiologyHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyHuman Body


The brain is the “central computer” of our body, located inside the skull , it is part of the nervous system , where all the information we receive converges.

The brain represents only 2% of our body mass, but it consumes more than 20% of our oxygen . It controls activities such as controlling motor actions, integrating sensory stimuli and neurological activities such as memory and speech.

Human Brain Anatomy

The brain is made up of two overlapping tissues. The cerebral cortex , the outermost, is the largest, gray in color , and is composed of the cell bodies of neurons and other nerve cells.

The white colored tissue is the cerebral nucleus , rich in nerve fibers that establish communication between the cerebral cortex, the sensory organs and the muscles throughout the body.

Lobes of the Brain (Cerebral Lobes)

The brain is divided into four lobes with connections between them, in the center of the fissures.

The names frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobe are associated with the bones of the skull.

Frontal Lobe

It is the largest of the four, extending behind the forehead. Responsible for the simplest physical movements, as well as the functions of learning, thinking, memory and speech.

Parietal Lobe

Located behind the frontal, it extends to the back of the head. Responsible for spatial perception and sensory information of pain, heat and cold.

Temporal Lobe

Located at the base of the parietal, up to the height of the ears, it is responsible for auditory stimuli.

Occipital Lobe

It is the smallest of the four, located at the back of the temporal bone, and receives and processes visual images.

Brain Hemispheres

The brain is made up of two halves called cerebral hemispheres.

The left half controls the opposite side of the body, that is, the order of movements directed to the right side comes from the left hemisphere. If the dominant hemisphere is the right side of the brain, the person will be left-handed.

Each hemisphere controls a series of functions. For example, the right hemisphere gives us the ability to recognize faces and objects. The left side of the brain controls our ability to read and write, as well as allowing us to identify grammatical rules.

However, these hemispheres work together and some functions are proven to be controlled by both sides, such as speech, for example. Studies with people who had one hemisphere injured and continued to speak showed this result.

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Brain Functions

The brain controls all our activities and feelings, such as body movements, memory and emotions. If we are able to walk, talk and reflect, this is due to the joint action of several regions of the brain.

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