BiologyHuman Anatomy and PhysiologyHuman Body

Appendicular Skeleton

The appendicular skeleton comprises the bones of the upper and lower limbs. It is responsible for the movement and support of the body.

The human body is also formed by the axial skeleton, consisting of the skull, rib cage and spinal column. The axial and appendicular skeletons are joined by the pelvic and shoulder girdle.

In total, the appendicular skeleton is made up of 126 bones, divided into the upper and lower portions of the human body.

Appendicular Skeleton

Superior appendicular skeleton

The upper limb is formed by the arm, forearm, wrist and hand. The bones of the upper limbs are:

  • Clavicle : long bone in the shape of an “s”.
  • Scapula or shoulder blade : flat, triangular-shaped bone.
  • Humerus : articulates the elbow with the bones of the forearm. It is the largest bone of the upper limb.
  • Radius : long bone that makes up the lateral portion of the forearm.
  • Ulna : long bone that makes up the medial portion of the forearm.
  • Bones of the hand and wrist : made up of small, solid bones called carpals, metacarpals and phalanges. In total, there are 27 bones that work together.

In the upper appendicular skeleton there is also the shoulder girdle, consisting of the clavicle and scapula. The scapula is connected to the axial skeleton by muscles.

Inferior appendicular skeleton

The lower limb is made up of the thigh, leg, ankle and foot. They are responsible for supporting and moving the body. The bones of the lower limbs are:

  • Hip bones : represents the fusion of three bones – ilium, ischium and pubis.
  • Femur : the longest bone in the body, present between the end of the hip and the knee.
  • Patella : flat triangular bone, responsible for protecting the knee joint.
  • Tibia : long bone located between the feet and knees, responsible for supporting the body’s weight. It is the second largest bone in the body.
  • Fibula : long bone that is part of the knee joint and has no function related to supporting the body.
  • Bones of the foot and ankle : the bones of the foot are divided into tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges, totaling 26 bones. The ankle is the joint between the foot and the leg, and is formed by the tibia, fibula, and a bone in the foot, the talus.

There is also the pelvic girdle, formed by the iliac bone. It is responsible for connecting the lower limbs to the trunk, which corresponds to a portion of the axial skeleton .


  • Osteology is the name of the science that is dedicated to the study of bones;
  • The fibula can be used for bone grafting, that is, part of the bone is removed to replace another lost bone. It can be remodeled without compromising the body’s support or movement.

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